Mnova MS Users Mnova is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux Mestrelab Research 1996: A research project in University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, developed free MestReC software for NMR processing 2004: Mestrelab Research incorporated in Santiago de Compostela 2004: New MestreNova (Mnova) platform and NMR plugin released 2006: NMRPredict Desktop plugin released with Modgraph 2009: LC/GC/MS plugin released with Sierra Analytics 2009: Global Spectral Deconvolution (GSD) algorithm released with ExtraByte 2011: DB plugin for Database Management 2012: Verify plugin for auto structure verification and peak assignment 2012: qNMR and Screen plugins - to be released An R&D company with >20 people and >80,000 registered users Before you start Make sure Mnova is properly installed and licensed on your computer. Batch processing, analysis and reporting, quantitation, etc. Chemists Spectroscopists Specialists LC/MS GC/MS Quick reaction monitoring, molecular verification, elemental composition determination, Reporting, etc. Batch processing & verification and reporting, relaxation studies, diffusion studies, reaction monitoring, ligand-protein binding screening (FB-drug design), metabolomics studies, Impurity ID etc. Mnova NMRPredict Desktop Detailed structure verification, elucidation, assignment, deconvolution, spin simulation, quantitation etc.

1D Arrayed 2D Mnova NMR Quick processing, analysis, reporting, structure verification etc. 2012 Chen Peng, PhD VP of Business Development, US & China Mestrelab Research SL San Diego, CA (858) 736-4563 Outline Overview of Mestrelab and Mnova Open and process 1D and 2D NMR data Multiplet Analysis for 1D H-1 NMR Assign 1D peaks to a structure Assign 1D and 2D spectra Report analysis results Basic handling of multiple spectra Products and Applications NMR Mnova Verify Mnova Scripts Mnova DB Creating databases, Storing and searching structures, NMR, LC/GC/MS raw data and analysis results, Texts etc. A Tutorial for Chemists: Using Mnova to Process, Analyze and Report 1D and 2D NMR on Your Desktop Version 8.0 Aug.